
Friday, October 30, 2009

The Master Drawing from Design Class last week:

Thought I would post a gradual chronology of this quilt so that it will begin to emerge gradually on my blog - even though much of the work was done during Ruth McDowell workshop in late October. Since I am not able to work on it right least I can show steps of progress to this point. This is installment #2. The Master drawing enlarged - outline of the quilt. It measures approx. 45" x 35" a good size my the wall in my office when finished.
Happy Quilting to All!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Another choice........

wait........I have one more to choose from.......a favorite of mine !
Personally, I like them all.........don't ask ME to choose !

....Addendum 10.25.09...HA! I forgot that YOU can edit my posts too! Nice photo option.....but you cropped out my wonderful friend!....and stealth blog poster!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fun with Marsha

Although I took the Blended Quilts workshop, Marsha McCloskey is well known for her Feathered Star Quilts too. This shot is one of her and a feathered star she showed at the luncheon and "Trunk Show."
Fun weekend and inspiring!
Here is a picture of classmates work using Marsha's new line of fabrics.