
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Treasure

I just received these treasures in the mail last week. They are all the diaries of my paternal grandmother from 1936-1970.

My grandmother passed away when I was a child, but with fondness I always recall her visits with us each weekend. I remember her reading her Bible each day and writing in a diary. I  even recall seeing the red diary on the right -- although I was very young (5-8 years old).

I thought the diaries were gone (her other few possessions were damaged/lost years ago). But, they were found in storage somewhere and offered to me. I was pleased to receive them!
I have read through 1936 and learned some interesting things about her daily life in the 1930s in San Diego, California. This year her mother died. Her reports were very matter of fact about the events. She was a hard working lady but she took time out from the cleaning and mending to occasionally golf with my grandfather (who died before I was born), play cards and have friends over to the house. I never knew all of that! I always recall her stating that cards were the devil's device. HA! Some things must have changed over the years. I look forward to reading more.
What treasures do you have from your family? Maybe quilts?

1 comment:

Chris said...

How wonderful. I never met my grandparents because my parents were immigrants after WWII. I recently went to Poland to meet my father's only surviving sister and her family. I too keep journals and write in them sporadically. Wonder what my grandchildren would think reading them in years to come.