This weekend is the local quilt show and what a beautiful show it is! So many very talented quilters around here! I was thrilled to be the recipient of one of the home-made quilt ribbons for my "Baby Wedding Ring" quilt. I decided to make it when I had no clue about quilting or how hard it would to piece curves for a first pieced pattern. Also I used poly-cotton for the "rings." Again, no clue about quilt making but I did know that I love to hand quilt and design.
Each of the quilting designs are different inside each block. It was fun to figure out many different designs. One special design was drawn by my (then) 6 year old son after he saw me working on this quilt all the time he wanted to help. I let him draw his design right on the quilt then quilted it exactly as he drew it. YIKES! But it is now priceless :)
PS. College update. Yes, son stops by the house about every day or two for some food or some computer time or something! We don't often actually SEE him when he comes by as it may be 11:30 PM or during the times we are out. I think he is liking it and is definitely keeping busy with various ventures.