Criswell Final block - Progress inching along (peek at Cherry Tree #1) |
August has been busy with working many hours this summer (including weekends), having the pleasure of hosting several Airbnb quests, and driving to NY with dd as she returned to college with her car and set up the new living arrangements for the year in an apartment. All this has put quilting on the back burner. However, now quilting can resume as the semester has begun at work, the ANCC self-study is complete and submitted - albeit with only minor contributions from me - but still felt the crunch and still must read the entire document to be ready for accrediting visit in October.
Now, I hope back to quilting!... my very uplifting avocation :) Below is all I have to show for the past month. I have completed some tedious work on Chester County Criswell Quilt final block with the intricate cutwork and did a little in-the-car-on-the-way-to-NY work on the primitive Bible quilt critters sewing the elephants and ostrich/emu's? The giraffes and wolves are patiently waiting to emerge from their fabric trap. I also made a few stitches on Beyond the Cherry Tree.
I'm looking forward to fall and feeling inspiration for lots of quilting!
Beyond Cherry Tree pieces for future blocks |
Bible Quilt Block #2 - now half complete |